rubbish thing

i am gonna to talk some rubbish thing here !
i can't mention everything properly
i am fucking moody now !
ya right now !

i am being myself and doing my own thing
i really do hope that everyone not to step in my thing
and please don't told me this and do others.
the thing just such a sucks thing !

sometimes i am try to tell someone my feeling
but it is not work.
hard to split it out
really a hard thing !
if in school i will tell someone my girls
they will becalm me
and they will suggest me what to do
but now i just tell my baby

i am trying not to think much
and i am being mature mind
not to naive anymore
control my emo and my temperament
but i can't control !
i can't control to not lost temper !
somemore i am not understand why to lost temper for !
that is why i am feel remorseful and angry

see, i really can't mention properly here
i have been thinked for so long !
i am run short of words
paria !

WTF !!